Monday, April 4, 2011

Overdose Pill Zopiclone

Continuing with the weekend getaway, not far from here, Montau, is Bruniquel, a small medieval village, situated at the foot of a feudal castle on the hill less steep of a hill at the confluence of the rivers Vere and Aveyron.
This French commune took on importance in the Middle Ages, as the lords of Bruniquel built a fortress and later in the fifteenth century, two separate castles, as a result of hereditary partition .... We visited domain both castles "New" and "Old" and they are testimony to a turbulent history in which periods of prosperity alternated with other disturbances.
Since 1987, the town bought the castle and tries to restore as much as possible of what was this seductive city ...... Medieval streets lost in the tranquility of a spring morning is a journey at the time!.

The weather is perfect, sunny and makes us lazy, but this weekend we still managed to do a bit sightseeing. Our first goal was Bruniquel. It´s a small village very close to Montauban... and as you might have guessed- it´s medieval. The atmosphere of the place is made by it´s tiny streets, all made in stone... the houses look like they were built for gnomes- they are small, a bit crooked... and the shutters are painted in different vivid colours. Everything is just so cute!And thanin almost every backyard, at every corner you will find a small restaurant or bar... all tiny and colourfull. With the nice weather we had on saturday, dogs and cats sunbathing on the banks and walls... everything seemd to be saying: 'get lazy, drop sightseeing and get a cold beer!!!'
But we did not loose our discoverer spirit, and climbed up to the castle (or actually two castles)
which are placed on the top of a hill. And they were a real surprise!!!The view from the hill is unforgettable- and the castles: New and Old are labirynths of history (and stories) which you are allowed to discover on your own.The Old Castle was built in the 12th century, the New Castle is from 15th century. Their Both in a bad shape-it looks like there were no money to renovate Them, but this gives the castles Their unique charm ... Sometimes it feels like the last few owners just left years ago ... And Because it's possible to enter almost all the rooms-and this without having a museum emlpoyee watching your every move-you feel like the first conqueror of the castles.

Szorcik: the weather is wonderful, but even though it promotes laziness in the sweet sunshine, bravely gathered in the two Saturday in a deserted castle Bruniquel. The town itself is very pretty, small and full of curves of miniature houses, and castles with 12 and 15 age-are abandoned by their employees well- wiec mozna je na wlasna zwiedzac Reke ... labirynty przemierzane zniszczonych komnata Koncz zawsze sie z w jakiejs wiezy widokiem rzeke i na okoliczne Wzgorza. Cudnie;)


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