In the Department of Lot, where I work now, a city caught my attention for several reasons: Cahors!! First, because Cahors, named for the important wine-growing region where I work, and second because they belong to the "Chemin de St Jacques Compostella" in the Via Podiensis (Gr 65), unique in France with sections pertaining to World Heritage.
Here my intention of sightseeing, was to gather information to start making the Camino de Santiago in stages of the Via Podiensis ....... maps, lodging, crossing cities, get our credentials .... the end, only we have a map, the rest will try to get in these coming weeks.
On the contrary, we enjoy a real day of spring and a no! picnic on the river Lot ...... wine, cheese, beef and goat, and peace of mind ..... maybe too much for sightseeing later.
I think That We Could Be Officially crowned as Their PICKNICKERS Majesties ... This weekend to make a bit of difference (and Because the weather forecast for sunday wasn't so good) we made the traveling day saturday ... WAS it just the perfect day to do picnic ... Which off course we did! As always with Some saussages for H., cheese straight from the Mark and Some fresh beers: the only thing missing Was the sunscreen, Which now shows on my face (mostly nose) ... Yepsen These Were the perfect two hours at the riverside in Cahors! The problem than was to move our picknicker butts and do a bit sightseeing:)
Cahors is one of the sweet french towns, that make you fall in love with them at first sight. It´s the hometown of Gambetta , a fomous french politician(so now we know why all the cities in France have a square or avenue called Gambetta:P) The most impressive part of the city is definately the famous bridge. It´s indeed beathtaking and beautifull and it´s worth to come to Cahors just to see the bridge (which btw is on the Camino de Santiago). The day we were at the bridge there was a anti gas extraction demonstration.
Szorcik: kolejny leniwy Weekend ... Friday and Sunday at the cinema and sunny Saturday intended to visit. We were in Cahors-town is beautiful, but after visiting several other similar big impression already does, but yes-bridge allows the leg ... Visiting will especially like siena demonstrations against the extraction of shale gas in the area ... pleasant with pozyteczym! only on the next trip I need sunscreen I take:)
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