Who among us does not love him, who of us it is not believe ... Every year the whole family to write letters to Santa Claus.
Today is magical. I read a beautiful story about a beloved Grandfather Winter. After the whole story I invite you to Magic Landing (CLICK) Ila beautifully described the tradition, the need for care and responded the important question ... Where does it come from?
for permission I am quoting a fragment of history.

"Sw. Santa is a fairy-tale character, in which they believe not only children, he is known around the world, and although in each country, otherwise it is called, it can not fail to recognize it.
Each child and adult can perfectly describe the church. Nicholas. fatso is smiling, with red cheeks, has a long white beard and is wearing a red jacket and finished in a white fur ... This is the story ... But what she did, why the church. Santa brings us presents?
Well, Santa Claus, the bishop because of the deeds attributed to him a legend, was the prototype of a dealer box gifts to children ...
Santa Claus was probably born into a wealthy merchant family. When he lost his parents several years and entered the seminary. Anonymously gave away his fortune to the poor. At night, gave away his money imperceptibly to the neediest people, and gave the gifts to children. The legend of the Holy. Nicholas could see that facilitated marriage three daughters of an impoverished nobleman who fell into poverty and decided to sell his three daughters to a brothel. When the bishop learned of this, the night threw down the chimney three sacks of money. They fell into the stockings and shoes, which put these daughters of the fireplace to dry.
After a life full of earnest and good deeds, died in mid-fourth century. A tradition to bestow children on 6 December (the anniversary of the saint's death) and in the eve of Christmas to this day. "
Today Nicholas was very loved. I was drawn in candy at the Romantic Women. A win is a surprise ... I can not wait.
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