Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Queen Of The Hive Doujin

Komar - who is

Male mosquitoes are true friends of humanity. As befits a man flies from flower to flower and sleep the sweetest nectar. Stress of life, unfortunately, favors the short bereave and it should be appreciated! Mosquito is able to devote his life to his chosen one and dies after mating. This is an orgasm!

Female mosquitoes are a real human drama. As befits the female, nothing but hunting with someone is there to suck blood. There is no significance to her who is the victim, her main purpose in life is to give the world their offspring. He will stop at nothing to watered with the blood of his victim. This may be a mole, horse, sloth, blue bird, if only his blood was just the heat. Receives what it considers itself its own and move away, leaving a mark. Warning! For the female mosquito has not the slightest difference whether someone has already been sucked and has a birthmark. For her, it does not count the dignity of victims. They can throw up hundreds, even within one evening. Note the second! Gender of the victim does not have the slightest importance to it. Counts only for her warm blood, which will allow it to develop eggs, which consists in damp places.


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