Antena Boy - 50%

From our family (excerpts) by Paul Gorecki Newsweek Poland Number 35/06, page 54
to similar conclusions as those obtained by the doc. PÅ‚oskiego arrived at the professor. John Lubinski of the International Hereditary Cancer Center in Szczecin, although the method we used is quite different. It examines the genetic mutations that increase the likelihood of breast, ovarian or colon. - To put it very simply, our research indicates that we are primarily a Slavic, almost never are Germans and 50 percent are
Jewish - said prof. Lubinski.
most puzzling, however, is that the Poles - a nation often described
in the Western press as an anti-Semitic - is in fact so much in terms of genetic Semitic. - If you examine the genetic predisposition to diseases cancer in Israel or among Ashkenazi Jews living in the United States, every case is the same as in Poland. And here and there dominated by three major mutations that cause susceptibility to cancer - said prof. Lubinski.
With such an arrangement of genes Polish population, relatively easy to examine. It is no coincidence that the world's largest registry of women with BRCA1 mutations predispose to breast cancer is currently in Poland. Similarly, it is only a homogenous island population of Iceland, which for centuries was separated from the genetic influence. A working there, the company deCODE Genetics leads the world's largest genetic research with the participation of all residents of Iceland. Their purpose is to detect the maximum number of mutations that predispose to various forms of cancer. A few months ago, representatives of deCODE Genetics reported to the professor. Lubinski, offering his cooperation, which also testifies to the uniqueness of the Polish gene pool.
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