Basil dizzy
In my minimalist garden balcony the scent of basil:))
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Sarcoidosis Butterfly
Recipe for ... # 24 - edit mumy
revived! Already forgot what a lot of fun to participate in the challenges. Create them and design is one:)) and take part, not a bad adrenalinka;) wyzwaniowe looked through blogs today and I liked it TU
My work is built upon the cardboard-anointed:)) ecru paint, with a flower and my favorite motif of the cage (obligatory inscription in this situation: FREE) transferred from the Cage "przydasiowych stocks." Letters cut from newspapers. Frame made of paper storage of stained glass. Fragments of colored paper TILDA
revived! Already forgot what a lot of fun to participate in the challenges. Create them and design is one:)) and take part, not a bad adrenalinka;) wyzwaniowe looked through blogs today and I liked it TU
My work is built upon the cardboard-anointed:)) ecru paint, with a flower and my favorite motif of the cage (obligatory inscription in this situation: FREE) transferred from the Cage "przydasiowych stocks." Letters cut from newspapers. Frame made of paper storage of stained glass. Fragments of colored paper TILDA
a nice day.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Yahoo Toolbar Problem Celsius Weather
Czekoczyna throws you a challenge
The background has served me cardboard, treated her razor for embossing, paint and distarsami (in the background of my favorite Timowa mask)
I used texts from posts Czekoczyny:
Oh, such a loose association. I do not smoke, you do not do this too:)) This is BBLLLLEEEE!))
suffered me today ... I saw the challenge for craftArtwork my work is dedicated to D. Neither
Sure there are a few reasons, but it's risky game.
Aneczko keeping my fingers crossed:))
The background has served me cardboard, treated her razor for embossing, paint and distarsami (in the background of my favorite Timowa mask)
I used texts from posts Czekoczyny:
Oh, if only Roee Rosen was my neighbor ...
Blogger helps you discover what stinks in the bag.
The Crabcooker Clearwater
D'ANDORRA PRINCIPAT .... French Pyrenees .....
After crossing the French border, we soon realized that something had changed, many tourist buses and cars waiting to a wild shopping spree ..... is it about this small tax haven!
We flee from that spirit, just over an hour in Andorra la Vella, made us reconsider our visit ...... too much store, and little that we liked!
We decided then to lose the valleys and mountains. We went up to the Natural Park located in the parish of Ordino, where we enjoyed a stroll along the river Valira, and to behold the majesty of the mountains with the colors of the birch, oak, Scots pine and pine Black ......
We went one direction Andorra's highest peak, the Col d'Ordino, 1990 m, where the views of each curve, are even more spectacular .......
has been a visit, a little flash of a single day, but enough to penetrate the heart of the Pyrenees and to begin to know something more than this small state located between Spain and France, without money, the country with the largest Romanesque monuments per square meter, and a country that gives the Catalan an international presence, as its official league ......... return soon to continue discovering your mountains!
Finaly, after months of only beeing in France, we have visited another country- Andorra. A strange country where one of the princes is Sarkozy... and the other is a bishop from Catalonia...
The way to Andorra is breathtaking- leads uo the mountains, on a very curvy road with views over the valleys- and than when you finally get to Andorra you get speechless.... unfortunately not because of it´s beauty... the first village after crossing the border is a shopping paradise (it´s a tax/fiscal paradice so everything is much cheaper than in Spain and France)... everything is a supermarket between mountain tops with rests of dirty snow and brown grass from last year... brrrr.... First impression is really bad... than it gets better. Andorra La Vieja- the capitol, is a typical city where the center is made out of shopping zones with all the possible shops. There are not many historical buildings (altough there are some roman ruins all over Andorra), but apart from the shopping fever atmosphere, it is a nice place to stay- and the mountains surrounding it make the views at shopping centers possible to survive. Than after getting out of the city you start to like Andorra (actually 5 minutes after leaving the commercial capital you will absolutely love Andorra). We went to do some trekkig in the National Park in the north. It is so beautifull. The trees so green, the air so fresh, the mountains so mighty and the small rivers so wild. We wanted to get up to the mountain tops, to see the snow... unfortunately the weather got bad and we had to go back:/ Anyways for me the wild nature of Andorra is definately in the top 10 of my travel experiences in the past months. And if you ask me if it´s worth to go to Andorra I will say: off course, but not the commercial centers of Andorra la Vieja, go into the wild!!!See the nature... I´m already planning the next visit there;)
Szorcik: No i mozemy przypiac kolejna pinezke na mapie odwiedzonych krajow. Andorra jest pelna sprzecznosci: on the one hand, this tax haven like a big shopping mall, full of cheap supermarket and skelpow of dizajnerskimi clothes and gadgets-such is the capital and the border towns. On the other side of this small country impresses with its nature. Valley, surrounded by massive mountains, green, thick, leafy forests, pastures full of sheep and przecudowny National Park (one of the second .. the second we have yet to conquer!) Is ideal for long walking tours ... In our case, unfortunately, the storm interrupted ...
Is It Illrgal To Sale Knock Off Ed Hardy At Store
Foix, Tarascon sur Ariège, Mirepoix
direction Foix
After we left to spend the night and contemplate the dawning of the Chateau de Foix or Castle of the Counts of the eleventh century, is a beautiful city at the foot of the Pyrenees, resulting from the construction of a oratorio by Charlemagne, and since the tenth century abbey became .......
The splendor of the Pyrenees and the home of the Cathars, is a poem for the eyes, music for the eyes and above all a place where one feels the need to return even if not gone away ..... .......... A bientôt !!!!!
Szorcik: weekend, oprocz tego ze rewolucyjny, it's still full of sensations and impressions turysycznych. Finally, we managed to pull in the mountains. On the way to Andorra, zahaczyismy a few interesting towns in the French Pyrenees. Highlights are shown to be a 10 to Foix and Mirepoix century castle with a beautiful colorful market and the amazing sculptures in wood balls medieval house Consul ... and of those pancakes .... to jam with chestnut .... mniaaaam!
Rumbo Hacia los Pirineos, sucedería algo mágico, de un nuevo Sevilla bit of back to my meeting, "Esparto" was headed for Glasgow in his van and had planned to see us a few hours on the road ......... laughter and stories marked those little 60 minutes ..... ....
Foix |
Tarascon sur Ariege |
Mirepoix |
direction Foix
After we left to spend the night and contemplate the dawning of the Chateau de Foix or Castle of the Counts of the eleventh century, is a beautiful city at the foot of the Pyrenees, resulting from the construction of a oratorio by Charlemagne, and since the tenth century abbey became .......
Tarascon-sur-Ariege, was the villa where he would return to Andorra to rest, stroll along the banks of the Ariege, and enjoy those iconic landscapes of the Pyrenees ....
Mirepoix, founded by the Phoenicians, has an incredible medieval center, the city remains almost intact its medieval appearance late thirteenth century when it was rebuilt. Is wrapped inside a wall where you can find a magnificent gateway to the city of the thirteenth century. The large central square (Place des Couverts ) is surrounded by arcaded porches and carved wooden sculptures and frameworks, the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries. The beams the former home of the consuls are the best preserved, showing the carved heads of monsters and human .... The splendor of the Pyrenees and the home of the Cathars, is a poem for the eyes, music for the eyes and above all a place where one feels the need to return even if not gone away ..... .......... A bientôt !!!!!

From where we live it´s really not far away to the mountains, but first this weekend we had the opportunity to go there... and to get amazed.
Our first stop on the way to the French Pyrenees (well ok- the second- the first one was on the way- to drink a small beer with our friend from Seville, who passed by on his way to Scotland in his van) was the town called Foix. It is settled at the foot of Château des Comtes de Foie, a castle from the 10 th century. Enough to say, that the view on the castle- which reigns over the town from the top of a hill, is impressing- aspecially early in the morning, just after waking up... heh the best view ever to look at, while brushing your teeth in the fresh air of a parking lot;)
The goal for this weekend trip was Andorra, but this didn´t held us from stopping other beautifull places, we found on our way back and forth... Thats how we for example found Tarascon aux Ariége, a charming lil´ town, where we also met some cyclists from Rond de l´Isard!
But definately the highligt of the trip was the visit in Mirepoix, a small charming and colourfull town. Nevermind the cold and the rain- the place really has something... the very center is a medieval marketplace surrounded by medieval buildings- all painted in different colors, which gives you an impression of beeing in the middle of a LEGO village J All around the town you can buy handmade jewelery, lace and sewing accesoires....and homemade, fresh CREPES- yummy... they were so good (with nutella for Hector and chestnut cream for me)!Tough the best part of the old town is the Maison de Consul. It´s the prettiest house in the old market square, which makes you stop and stare.... at the logs of wood in the ceiling there are carved some idcredible faces, imaginatory creatures, and funny animals.
Easiest States To Get Electrical License
card for Alice:)
Today was a lovely day, sunny weather looked in the window and inspired.
the papers Tildy created a card for Alice. I hope you like it:))
Friday, May 27, 2011
Double Count Doujinshi
Challenge # 4 Black and White Out of Drawer
This time
stempelkowy to win a voucher. I invite you to participation in play and see the work of all designers. I worked with Anuli stamps "Birds" As soon as I saw it, they immediately visited over that I would do for a friend preserver SPIRIT, which will soon have an important exam. I hope that the idea porzypadnie you will enjoy:)) I send Greetings. Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Can Pep Meds Be Effective Against Hiv
Ese Día the English people took to the streets filled with indignation! too long to endure corruption, to see how unbridled capitalism passed over them as the big banks were smiling, and especially to remove the kidnapping for Democracy (if ever there)! REAL DEMOCRACY NOW! VILLAGE Under this motto, the world scream their demands and began to dream in the Puerta del Sol in Madrid with a world perhaps more fair and humane!! BORN THE SPANISHREVOLUTION
Read a
El 15 de mayo de 2011, el mundo se Hacia un poco mas humano, un poco mas justo, un poco mas mundo ......
!! Under the foundations of a just society, and where the people are embracing freedom without flags, without confrontation, with impeccable ethics and demonstrating that FIT EVERYONE IN THE REVOLUTION! !
I must say I moved a lot throughout this first week, watching videos, messages and other actions of people in Madrid, Sevilla, Murcia, Malaga ..... and so many places around the English State. ...
Many tears of joy, to see these young people, retirees, parents, grandparents, children all walked to UTOPIA ...... ....
Municipal elections are a story for a fighting people who want to build the bases of assemblies of a real democratic process and might, hopefully, get the guts of the capitalist system! France
From my heart beats more than ever, my smile does not go out and "SOL" OPENS ITS DOORS TO DREAM !!!!!!!!!
Here we go to Toulouse, where he began to take shape Ya-Toulouse Real Democracy .... in support for acts that occurred in the English State, to create a support assembly and moving into French society the foundations of our indignation, that are largely theirs ....... for not stopping the fight ever!
"Dicen que soy hero, yo debil, timido, Insignificant casi, si siendo como soy hice lo que hice, lo que pueden imagínense hacer todos ustedes Juntos" Gandhi.
spring of this year, the Arab world reached out to people otherwise payable to the law. Erupted in the flag, the people arose to fight against injustice, from dictatorships, from the power of money.
At the same time, quietly, almost unnoticed, in Iceland, also admonished the people for justice. Bankers, who brought this small country into bankruptcy, they were held accountable.
Arab reached the spring in Europe. U przednozka local elections, also in Spain began handwheel jamming. May 15 young angry / outraged / INDIGNADOS Mardytu mastered the main square. There they pitched their tents, posing a real democracy right away (REAL DEMOCRACY ¡YA!), Punish the bankers, who are incurring debts and lending without cover, led the Spaniards to the crisis.
It started in Madrid and within the time mastered the whole country. Furious, but despite the Spaniards peaceful, united, and took to the streets. Currently, all cities and towns people gather in a truly peaceful mood, discuss-sounding from the left, about how to fix what spoiled rulers.
But not only the Spaniards took to the streets in their trail followed the French, Germans, Danes, Argentinians, Mexicans, Poles ... (TOMA LA CALLE)
protesters are everywhere, but unfortunately, apart from Spain, the subject does not seem sufficiently interesting for the media ... have heard nothing about it?
Read a
: outrage up!
I ogladajcie:
Ladies and gentleman: It’s Revolution!!!
It started in the arabic world, than quietly and without even beeing noticed changed Iceland... and than flowered under the spanish sun in Puerta del Sol... and it’s still growing and has a chance to give fruits...
On may 15. thousands of people took over the main square of Madrid, they took over the streets, they stood up to say, what they think about the crisis, the bankers and politics got us into. Every day there are more and more people rising up to make a change. To say stop to the burocracy, capitalism, the power, that the few rich have over the many simple people, who only are trying to earn their everyday bread!. Join the revolution!Take over the streets!Make the democracy REAL!Get angry!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Didital Playgrond Free Stream
This is my last job for Drawers . I will of course look and play there together with the new Projektantkami, but time chasing and there are new tasks that need to be implemented. I cordially thank all the drawer and in particular TuKarze Projektantkom for warm, for the words and support. Peninni for giving me the opportunity to participate in this fantastic adventure drawer.
invite you to have fun this time prepared by Tukaram
the Sprite shoes adorned with crystal buttons:)) at a costume party.
How Long Does Relaxer Last After You Open It
Project Angels
29 May 2011 year will be held Luzinie III Kashubian Paralympics - Art Workshop Magic Workshop Drawer with 3M ART Decoupage oases created Angels, which will be as prizes for participants.
There you will also see and buy our other work.
the same day, you will also see the show live decoupage on the occasion of the VIII Final Kashubian Pomeranian Song Festival "Kaszëbsczé sings" prepared by the Laboratory of Decoupage.
are welcome and encouraged to participate
29 May 2011 year will be held Luzinie III Kashubian Paralympics - Art Workshop Magic Workshop Drawer with 3M ART Decoupage oases created Angels, which will be as prizes for participants.
There you will also see and buy our other work.
the same day, you will also see the show live decoupage on the occasion of the VIII Final Kashubian Pomeranian Song Festival "Kaszëbsczé sings" prepared by the Laboratory of Decoupage.
are welcome and encouraged to participate
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