Saturday, August 28, 2010

Florida Drivers License Template 2009

mosquitoes mosquitoes mosquitoes

Will you continue to use newspapers in the evenings this September?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Clip Art 25 Years Old

Wejherowo and my new love

slowly back to life and my blogging. August was crazy for me and a bit lazy "artistically." Did not perform any work which could boast of today. Introduce

you for my city - Wejherowo .

photo from

Here I was born, raised and probably will stay for life. I decided to show from time to time its various nooks. I hope that you find interesting but a little.

Today Majkowski Park.

is situated near a beautiful old town. You will find here include an amphitheater, a playground, the palace Przebendowski, restaurant. Today, although still ongoing modernization, it looks colorful and mysterious.

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walking with my family when we came upon a contemporary version of the Hamlet. Art presented by two artists from Zimbabwe. To my surprise, and heard the criticism from various corners of the park, has found its fans. In summer Wejherowo held various concerts, parties, festivals .. is wonderful.

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Rotation of DSCN2126 On the way home we visited the Insula. A small café with a delicious chocolate cake, hot. I love chocolate in any form, but unfortunately cm. comes, but it's worth:)


Insula has its own climate. The enormity of antiques adds mystery. Amazing atmosphere stimulates the imagination and loads my creative batteries weak lately.


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I hope you do not nudziliście on this short virtual tour. I invite you all cordially to the next, on behalf of myself and my Wejherowo a delicious cake and a walk.

completely changing the subject, I would like to present my new love, more ... four men with an amazing voice.

